Weather Guidelines for Recess
We believe outdoor activity and exercise is healthy and beneficial for our students. The North Carolina State Board of Education Health Active Children Policy requires schools to offer a minimum of 30 minutes daily of moderate to vigorous physical activity to all K-8 students. This can be met through Physical Education class, recess, dance, classroom energizers, or other curriculum-based physical activity programs. Recess shall consist of unstructured free play or structured games and activities. Students are expected to wear appropriate clothing for forecasted weather conditions.
The decision to go outside or stay indoors for recess is made by the administrator at the school. Factors such as temperature, wind chill, heat index, air quality, precipitation and thunder/lightning are considered in determining if recess should be held outside. Generally, the administrator will adhere to the guidelines outlined by the Child Care Weather Watch. We recognize that children with certain health conditions may need special accommodations during extremely hot or cold weather conditions. Parents must provide medical documentation and may be consulted to determine if other arrangements are necessary.
If you have any questions or concerns about these guidelines or other matters related to recess, please contact your child’s school.