Inclement Weather
Kannapolis City Schools wants to help parents, staff, and the community prepare for any changes to the school schedule that might occur as a result of inclement weather.
The superintendent uses weather forecasts and information obtained from district personnel about road conditions to determine whether school should be cancelled or delayed due to snow, ice, or other severe weather.
Decisions about delaying or canceling school as a result of inclement weather--or even the threat of inclement weather--are never easy. However, we always err on the side of caution to keep our students and employees safe.
Information about school cancellations, delays, and early dismissals will be posted to the district website. Additionally, Kannapolis City Schools will contact students and staff using the School Messenger automated phone message system. Information also will be posted to Facebook and shared with local media outlets.
Please keep in mind that no announcement means that school is operating on a normal schedule. However, when school is closed or must be dismissed early, parents should make arrangements for childcare, as it is likely that the YMCA's after school program will not operate that day.
In order to comply with state law, students are required to make up days missed when school is cancelled. Please refer to the school calendar to determine when make-up days are scheduled for Kannapolis City Schools.
Certified Staff
If inclement weather cancels school for students but the day is declared an optional work day for staff, certified employees should report when they feel it is safe to do so. Employees who report before 10 A.M. will receive credit for a full day. Employees who report after 10 A.M. will need to use leave to compensate for time lost.
In the event that school is cancelled for both students and staff without a make-up day, certified employees will be allowed to work from home and receive credit for the day. If a certified employee chooses not to work from home on an inclement weather day, (s)he must take annual leave.
The option to work from home is only available for certified employees when inclement weather cancels school for both students and staff without a make-up day. It is not available at other times, including inclement weather days that are declared optional work days for staff.
Non-Certified Staff
If inclement weather cancels school for students but the day is declared an optional work day for staff, employees should report to work when they feel it is safe to do so. Non-certified staff will receive credit for actual time worked and reported in Timekeeper. They will need to use comp time or annual leave to compensate for time lost.
Non-certified employees may make up time missed due to inclement weather if the hours can be made up within the same workweek and if the employees receive prior-approval from their supervisors. The workweek begins at 12:01 a.m. on Sunday and ends at 12:00 midnight on Saturday. If it is not possible to make up the time missed due to inclement weather during the same workweek, non-certified employees may use comp time or annual leave.
Due to the federal Fair Labor Standards Act, the option to work from home is not available to non-certified employees.