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Student Transfers


We will begin processing 2024-2025 student transfer requests beginning March 1, 2024.  The deadline for submissions will be May 31, 2024.  Please complete one application per child.

NOTE: If this is a NEW application you will need to provide the following documents before the application for acceptance can be processed:

  • Attendance
  • Report Card/Transcript
  • Discipline Report

There are two types of Student Transfer Applications on this page.  Please read the information below to determine which application applies to you.

Please submit the KCS Application for Acceptance and Release if: (Only use this form if you live Outside of KCS District)

  • You reside outside of our district and are requesting acceptance for your child to attend school within our district, or
  • You reside within our district and are requesting a release for your child to attend a school outside our district

If you are applying for acceptance, you must obtain a release from the school district in which you reside before your KCS application can be processed.

Please submit your application via:

  1. Digital Form- Click the following LINKS: (English /Espanol)
  2. Email forms or request a form:
  3. or mail to: 100 Denver St., Kannapolis, NC 28083. 


The window for KCS ESC requests will open on April 1, 2024 and will close on May 31, 2024

Please submit the KCS Application for Elementary School Choice if:

You reside within our district and are requesting that your child attend a non-magnet elementary school outside of your school attendance zone.  If you are seeking enrollment outside of your school attendance zone for a designated magnet school, you should complete the magnet application for that school.

An explanation of Kannapolis City's "Schools of Choice" policy is as follows:

  • There is space available in the school you desire
  • You make a commitment to stay at that school the entire school year.
  • You provide your own transportation.

Priority will be given to:

  • Students who have attended the requested school in the past with satisfactory attendance, behavior and academic effort
  • Students who are entering school for the first time and have older siblings currently at that school

Please submit your application via:

  1. Digital form - Click the following LINKS (English) (Espanol)
  2. Email form:
  3. or mail to: 100 Denver St., Kannapolis, NC 28083.