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Multilingual Learners (ML)

To enable English learners of KCS to meet or exceed the rigorous state and federal standards, as well as become successful and contributing members of their school communities.

Goal #7: Increase differentiation of core instruction across all grade levels.

Goal #10: Improve district and school-based practices for achieving goals of meeting or exceeding growth.

Action Step #20: Increase teacher application of four WIDA domains of listening, reading, speaking, and writing.

Action Step #21: Provide professional development to all instructional staff members on Ellevation.

The English as a Second Language Program (ESL) meets the requirements of Title VI of The Civil Rights Act and the North Carolina State Regulations. In addition, program curriculum reflects the National Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) Standards and the WIDA English Language Development Standards (ELP). The program is designed to ensure that all limited English proficient students have equal access to the full range of district programs.

English Learner students enrolled in the ESL program in Kannapolis City Schools will:

  • Communicate with proficiency in the English language domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing as evidenced by appropriate progress on the state required language proficiency assessment instrument (ACCESS 2.0).
  • Gain academic English language proficiency in order to achieve the same challenging state and local academic standards as all children are expected to meet as evidenced in state assessments of academic proficiency.
  • Make progress as mandated by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and defined by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Aside from the general program goals, program evaluation data will be reviewed annually.

North Carolina follows WIDA English Language Development Standards. KCS ESL department utilizes PowerSchool and Ellevations to help manage data, support faculty and students, while providing parent outreach to support English Learners with language acquisition. You will find resources on all things ESL at the following link: