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Kannapolis City Schools is pleased to partner with K-12 Education Staffing and Management Solutions (ESS), a substitute management organization.

Kannapolis City Schools takes pride in ensuring that all of our substitutes are well equipped to provide the best learning opportunities for our students.  We offer substitute teacher training at various times throughout the year.  Whether you are an experienced substitute or a new substitute, you are always welcome to attend substitute teacher training when it is offered.

If you are interested in applying to be a Substitute Teacher with Kannapolis City Schools,
please click here.

We are now accepting substitute applications for Core Classroom Teachers, Substitute Pre-Kindergarten Teacher Assistants, Substitute Exceptional Children's Teacher Assistants and Substitute Bus Drivers.

Daily Substitute Rates:

Substitute Teacher Assistant $75.00
Substitute Non-Licensed Teacher: $95.00
Substitute Licensed Teacher: $115.00

Substitute Teachers in Kannapolis City Schools will be a minimum of twenty-one (21) years old, or 20 years old and completed at least two years of study at an institution on higher education.