School Expenditure Data
Annual Expenditure Reports
Per GS 115C.25(c), each LEA must post state expenditures on its website. As a reminder, the legislation is as follows:
To ensure that parents, educators, and the general public are informed on how state funds have been used to address local educational priorities, each local school administrative unit shall publish the following information on its website by October 15th of each year:
- A description of each program report code, written in plain English, and a summary of the prior fiscal year's expenditure of state funds within each program report code.
- A description of each object code within a program report code, written in plain English, and a summary of the prior fiscal year's expenditure of state funds for each object code.
- A description of each allotment transfer that increased or decreased the initial allotment amount by more than five percent (5%) and the educational priorities that necessitated the transfer.
- A description of any transfer of funds from the textbook and digital resources allotment into another allotment category with an explanation of why the transfer for the textbooks and digital resources allotment was made to a different allotment category.
- A chart that clearly reflects how the local school administrative unit spent state funds.
- Program Code Summary 2022-2023
- Object Code Summary 2022-2023
- State Expenditure by PRC 2022-2023
- State Expenditure by Object Code 2022-2023
ABC Transfers LEA 132
- ABC Transfers FY2024 LEA 132
- ABC Transfers FY2023 LEA 132
- ABC Transfers FY2022 LEA 132
- ABC Transfers FY2021 LEA 132
Prior Years Resources