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Read to Achieve


The Read to Achieve Program is a part of the Excellent Public Schools Act which became law in July of 2012 and applied to all schools at the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year. Through the implementation of this program, it is the "goal of the State to ensure that every student reads at or above grade level by the end of third grade and continues to progress in reading proficiency so that he or she can read, comprehend, integrate, and apply complex texts needed for secondary education and career success". Please see below for additional specifics and resources regarding this program and the implementation of the program in Cabarrus County. For specific questions, please contact your child's school or the elementary education office. 

How does Read to Achieve affect my child?

Kindergarten through third grade students are assessed three times per year in reading (August, December, and May).  The assessments provide valuable information to your child's teacher on the reading performance of their students. The assessments measure their phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension skills.  The assessments allow teachers to plan differentiated reading lessons to meet the needs of their students.   

If your child is in third grade, your child will take the North Carolina End of Grade (EOG) reading test in May.  If your child is not proficient on the EOG Reading test and did not demonstrate proficiency on the DIBELS8 diagnostic reading assessment, then he or she will have the opportunity to take the Read to Achieve test.  If your child does not demonstrate proficiency on the Read to Achieve test or qualify for an exemption, then your child will be invited to attend a district-sponsored summer reading camp.  This reading camp will be provided free of charge. 

Summer Camp

Each year, Kannapolis City Schools offers Summer Reading Camp for eligible students.  Please look out for information in the spring. 

Additional Resources

The following video provides a detailed overview of the Read to Achieve Law.  It was created by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Read to Achieve Video

Read to Achieve Data