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Public Comment

The Kannapolis City Board of Education welcomes the opportunity to hear from the public during its regularly scheduled meetings. The public comment period is open for members of the public, including parents and students, to voice compliments, concerns, or complaints about performance of school personnel, implementation of board policy, the quality of the education program or school facilities.

According to Policy 2310, presentations are limited to a maximum of three (3) minutes. Obscene, vulgar, or profane statements and statements reasonably perceived to be disruptive or imminently threatening to the orderly operation of the meeting shall not be permitted.

Any individual or group of individuals who wishes to address the board must submit a written request to the superintendent no later than 4:00 pm one (1) week prior to the regularly scheduled Board of Education meeting. Additionally, individuals attending a regularly scheduled Board of Education Meeting may also sign up to address the Board with comments and/or questions.